Fundraise, Raise the Funds!

So, as I’ve blogged previously, I’m going crazy with the thought of having to raise £6000… it’s not easy, I can tell you that for free.

I’ve had a few ideas, like doing a sponsored silence (my friend did it for me, and managed to raise about £70), and I’m going to be doing bake sales, going busking, holding a dinner dance, organizing a gala day with various performers and stalls at the local church hall and a performance evening at college, but I’m just not convinced that this will be enough…

This is where you come in…

I need some very good, cost effective methods for fundraising. I can’t really do anything sponsored, because we’ve already done that, and I can’t do another large event, because I’ve got three coming up! So any other ideas would be greatly appreciated.

Please, everyone, tell your friends about my cause, and if you can, and are feeling generous (which would really be amazing) you can donate some money, however little or large amount that may be, to my donations page to help me:


All of the information you need is on this page, and it really is going towards a good cause.

AND if you need any more persuasion as to who and what you’re helping, here is a video of me performing in Copacabana as Lola La Mar in 2011…

Copacabana 2011

So, to summarize, please leave your suggestions in the comments!

It’s been a while… but I’m still going!

Sorry for the lack of posting recently, I’ve been incredibly busy with college and shows and whatever else, but I’m back. And I’m still desperately trying to fundraise for Mountview!

I’ve set up this donations page, which is much easier to use than the previous method. Any donations would be so greatly appreciated, and I’m working so hard to raise the money! Please just take a moment to look at the page, and if you can, donate. Any amount helps, even if it’s as little as £1. But if you can’t donate yourself, please share the link with everyone you know, on your blog, or on Twitter or Facebook, just to get the word around and create as much opportunity as possible.


I’ve still got a long way to go before raising the full amount, but I know with your help that I can do it!