It’s been a while, but I’m back! And with good news too…

So, it’s been a good few months since I last posted something – sorry about that!
I’ve been crazily busy with organising fundraising stuff for my course at Mountview.
My first fundraiser, was a bit if a flop actually… I still raised £50, but it was a flop…
My second, was three times better! I did a concert with some of my friends and it all went really well. We could have had a better turnout, but it seems a lot if people were on holiday that week and so couldn’t make it, but we still managed to raise £150!

You may be thinking, “well I thought you needed £6000, that’s not enough”?

But here comes the good news…

I was awarded a DaDA!!

For those of you who may not know, a DaDA (dance and drama award) is a type if scholarship awarded to drama schools by the government, who then give them out to the auditionees they deem to be “the most talented…”
Now, I wouldn’t have put me in this category. I’m completely shocked. In fact, I almost DIDN’T get one.
Originally, I was put on the reserves list for it, but it seems that one (or more) students turned theirs down for whatever reason, and so I ended up getting one!!

I actually feel like the luckiest girl alive…

So, now I only have to pay £1,275 per year for tuition (though I don’t get any help towards maintenance, so I’ve still got all that to find…)

I have the money for tuition, thanks to my various fundraising efforts, a donation of £250 from the Rotary Club of Driffield, and a £500 grant from a trust in Scarborough, along with a small amount of work I’ve been able to grab hold of.
I do still need to find money to survive on though, so I am still asking for help from various sources.

If any of you are able to donate anything at all towards my training (who knows, you may see me on the West End or on TV in a few years…) then please click the link below. Anything at all is a huge help, and you will be credited for it!

Click Here To Donate

This opportunity means the world to me, and I can’t believe I’ve been given the chance to study at one of the best Drama Schools, not only in the UK, but also internationally!

Now, due to the crazy amount of stuff I’ve got to do in preparation for September, I probably won’t be able to post very often, but I’ll be sure to update whenever I can!

Here’s to the start of a new chapter in my life…

Fundraise, Raise the Funds!

So, as I’ve blogged previously, I’m going crazy with the thought of having to raise £6000… it’s not easy, I can tell you that for free.

I’ve had a few ideas, like doing a sponsored silence (my friend did it for me, and managed to raise about £70), and I’m going to be doing bake sales, going busking, holding a dinner dance, organizing a gala day with various performers and stalls at the local church hall and a performance evening at college, but I’m just not convinced that this will be enough…

This is where you come in…

I need some very good, cost effective methods for fundraising. I can’t really do anything sponsored, because we’ve already done that, and I can’t do another large event, because I’ve got three coming up! So any other ideas would be greatly appreciated.

Please, everyone, tell your friends about my cause, and if you can, and are feeling generous (which would really be amazing) you can donate some money, however little or large amount that may be, to my donations page to help me:


All of the information you need is on this page, and it really is going towards a good cause.

AND if you need any more persuasion as to who and what you’re helping, here is a video of me performing in Copacabana as Lola La Mar in 2011…

Copacabana 2011

So, to summarize, please leave your suggestions in the comments!

Help Me Make My Dream Become REALITY…

Okay, so as you may well know, I have been offered a place at Mountview Academy of Theatre Arts, which in itself is just a dream come true!

[It still hasn’t sunk in!]

How gorgeous is this view of London?!

How gorgeous is this view of London?!

Now, as one of the UK’s leading Drama Schools, it’s not cheap… in fact, it’s the farthest thing from cheap at a whopping £12,090 per year. So, in order to go, I need to raise an extra £6,000.

Yes, it is a lot.

Yes, I’m aware that it’s going to take blood, sweat and tears to get that in 6 months, but you know what? It’s SOOOOO worth it!

Here’s where you beautiful people come in…

If any of you are feeling generous [please be feeling generous] You will find a link to “donate” at the bottom of this post.

If everyone that visited my site donated just £1, I’d be well on my way to getting a bit closer to living my dream. [Obviously if you wanted to donate more than that I wouldn’t complain! ]

I know, it seems cheeky, and I feel cheeky asking, but honestly, if this were you, you’d probably be trying everything in your power to fundraise that sort of money!

Just to put it into perspective for people who may not know much about Mountview, Amanda Holden and Elaine Page both graduated from there, and are now patrons of the school. What’s more,  Dame Judi Dench is President of the school! DAME JUDI DENCH!!!!

100% of Mountview Graduates gain professional agent representation by the end of their third year, 75% of which go straight into professional work in leading shows as soon as they graduate.

This is big. Like, REAALLLYY BIG. And I want to go sooo badly, but won’t be able to if I don’t get enough money! I’m doing other things to raise money as well, like fundraising events and applying for grants, but this little bit of help may be the difference needed for me to go.

Also, if you could re-blog this post on your blog to get more attention, or share it on the like of Twitter and Facebook, I would love you all forever!

Come on people, let a girl live her dream…

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